2023 BC Open

The VJC hosted the 2023 BC Open judo tournament at the curling rink April 21-22. If was the first time back since 2019 and we had about 150 competitors!

We ran kodomo no kata for the first time, introducing each set with the taiko drum gifted to the club by Kamloops head sensei Henry Uyeda on the event of the club’s 75th anniversary.

More posts pending. Special thanks for the amazing photos from Colin Pakenham.

The Vernon Judo Club '24-25 season starts September 16th (Later than first posted due to change in the cultural centre renovations schedule).

We're hosting this year's Fall Camp here in Vernon with special guest Olympian Naohisa Takato! Spaces are open for all age groups but note new Monday and Thursday class times.

CONTACT US for registration questions, pricing, or to get on a list for updates. See the top of the Events page for more info or links for club and camp registration.

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