Upcoming, we are set to host the judo venue for the 2023 BC Winter Games (at Fulton, Mar 23-26) and our own BC Open event (at the Rec Centre Apr 21-22).
We received a new batch of fresh-pressed “Bella Vista Blend” apple juice (this year it’s about 80% Aurora—in a new 3L box). This is our Parents’Association fundraiser to support athletes and we thank Tom Ouchi at Ringo En his support. Contact the club for details, including eTransfer or pick-up arrangements.

Steveston Tournament team: Emily Harvey, AJ Mizuyabu, and Brent Davidson. Also Attended: Coaches George Okazaki, Brian Yakura, and Wade Harvey. Referees: Donna Hanson, Rick Pollon, Aubrey Comley, and Sydney Grevatt
Finally, the Vernon Judo Club (known as Canada’s longest continuously running Judo Club, established in 1944) gratefully acknowledges the contribution of two men, both in their 90s now, who are retiring from the club’s koenkai but have consistently worked to ensure the club’s longevity and meant a huge difference to generations of judoka: Tosh Yakura and Yosh Ouchi. We thank you for your decades of dedication.
Sensei, otsukaresama. Kore kara mo, yoroshiku onegaishimasu.